Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sleep Blogging

I can't believe the first thing I did when I got home last night was sit down and blog. I am a class A retard in need of a hobby. I want a Martha Stewart style craft corner to keep me busy. I don't know what I would make because I have no manual dexterity & failed kindy.

Sometimes being hungover is really nice & today was one of those times. I just sat around & watch Freaks & Geeks & got fish & chips for lunch. The rest if the day I lay around feeling blissfully full & occasionally reading Cabinet magazine. I have probably been reading too much Cabinet. It totally brings out the nerd in me.

I bought some second-hand copies of National Geographic as part of my latest Grand Scheme. It really is a great magazine if you avoid all depictions of non-Western peoples. I think I wrote about my dream where I was living in Kamatchka, the National Geographic article on the palce totally turned that into a prophecy, I am so going to live there one day.

I've also been reading about hairless mexican dogs.


  1. we are actually pretty good at blogging these days.

  2. Why aren't you in Wellington!? We could have pulled off the greatest reader's digest heist ever. All we need is a ladder and Mr Sage's books are ours!
