Monday, May 28, 2007


Man, I am just so bummed out and generally irritable at the moment. I can't wait till exams are over and I can go home and hang with my family and not have to worry about school and people and the flat. Maybe I should push forward my schedule and get really fat now instead of when I'm in my 50's, I hear eating is really comforting. Pluis, I have eaten pancakes every day this week.

I decided a couple of days ago that if National wins the next election I'm leaving the country. It's kind of late in the year but at least thast means I'll be rich once I leave. FOR CAAAAAAAAANADA. Or whereever else hasn't gone all neo-lib/New Labour.

I'm really pleased that the White Stripes decided to cover Walk this Way for their new single. That is awesome.

This post really isn't going anywhere.

I just freudian slipped and wrote Island instead of anywhere. I was thinking about St. Helena

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Discount lipstick hoedown

All the music is so beautiful! And I should never try to sing along to Feist again!

It took me less than two days to use up our broadband limit. I rule.

In other news, I was really happy with the warm reception to Holiday with Friends last night. Bless their hearts I sure did feel proud .

I was also please to find this little tidbit attached to the Wikipedia article on Malcolm X "The fictional Marvel Comics supervillain Magneto is widely considered to be an allegorical allusion to the pre-Mecca Malcolm X, because of his vindictive militant ideologies and belief that his minority (for X, blacks, and for Magneto, mutants) is to rise up against its oppressors, "by any means necessary." Oh Wikipedia, truly you are the academic tool of the Gods.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Woah hey, I am blogging in a totally different landscape.

So... a lot has happened over the past week. A lot to do with moving flats. One of the interesting things I've found is that now that I'm living with my best friend I have no urge to blog. Pretty much everything I feel the need to say I just say to her so no need for blogging. Also, given that the only people who read this are Casey and a couple of Wellingtonians, it's just easier to talk to them in person. I'll be in Wellington in a month so no one's missing out on much. Actually, given the fact that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happpens in my life generally there's no loss for anyone. At least now I'll have stuff to talk about in person.

One thing I do want to mention though is the massive sense of agrophobia which having broadband has engendered. For about the last 3 months I have totally cut myself off from music journalism and hearing about new music, I just find it really irritating to read about all that stuff when I have neither the money nor the bandwidth to hear any of it. Now that I'm finally capable of downloading, the possiblities are pretty giddying. Hello, Neon Bible. Hello, Sky Blue Sky. Hello, The Reminder. Hello, eight hours of continous goosebumps. To top it off, I finally have a working record player so I get to listen to my VU rarites and Nick Cave covers albums for the first time in about a year. It's a non-stop party and only my ears are invited.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wait, that is stupid.

Unlike most instruments with their extremely limited number of notes, the lute actually allows you to play the word F-U-C-K. And it sounds mint

Man, I just realised, fuck the banjo, I'm gonna learn the fucking lute. Does anyone want to buy a banjo? As new condition.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Back by popular demand, it's... CHRIS'S BLOG!

Hanging with Tony was a BLAST. There was so much potential there for things to go shit but they did not, they went THE SHIT instead. I recommend Tony as a human party bus to anyone, we went all over Auckland and had sweet as times everywhere. I can't actually remember many details. We tried to go to Elvis but that didn't really work out. We ate unripe bananas and that didn't really work out either. Finally we settled on drinking like the homelessly inclined and that worked out pretty well. It got really cold and we tried to find somewhere warm to drink but were totally spotted for our homeless appearance. We met some cool teens in the park. They were soooo 17. Tony got way into the swings and I got way into the teens. Somehow we ended up at the Skytower. It wasn't actually that exciting there, more depressing. Pretty much a brightly light room full of old people getting ripped off without even getting drunk. We kept wanting to steal stuff but there wasn't a lot available, eventually we ended up with one of those plastic cups for keeping coins in. Score. We also failed to win anything but did manage to unintentionally insult everyone around us with our snide remarks and tourist attitudes.

Once we left we went to some Irish place and stole some stuff. They played Queen really loud.

After that we went to Suite. I can't remember anything from there apart from planning to steal more stuff.

I really wish we had made it into FLOAT. That place is like my El Dorado, SO MYSTERIIOUS! Sadly they wouldn't let my shoes in

A little after that it became hometime. Tony totally tried to drink drive but ended up DESTROYING some dudes car so we played scrabble instead.

The next day I went to Hamilton.

I'll probably write about Hamilton L8rz. It was way sweet and I was SUPER SURPRISED. I'm really unhappy with this entry. I hate it when I just list events. Then again, I probably doesn't matter and at least the spelling is ok. I should also mention that it was way more fun than it probably sounds. Way way fun.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Most of my readers are overweight

HEY BLOG! Guess who got a flat today!?




How fucking choice is that? I will be living with two of my favorite people in the world. It's going to be so sweet. We will have no seats in our lounge, just pillows and blankets on the floor. We will bake ALL THE TIME. We will have a pillow fortress as a permanent part of our furniture.
The only lame bit is that its part of a block of flats so no flatwarming, we will probably have a little party when HWF come up though (pretty much if you read this blog, you are invited)
Still, block of flat means that my new line of work is SELLING CIGARETTES TO CHILDREN. Awesome huh?

HEY, one more thing, blog. I am really unhappy with the level of readership I get on this. Seriously, I have had this for like, 2 months and thus far I have had only slightly more than the number of hits I would had for two average myspace blogs. That's pretty disappointing.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

You Suck, Friday 4th of May - Sunday 6th of May!

As awesome as last weekend was, that’s how much this weekend sucked. This is a list of what I did this weekend:

- Read
- Battled fate (unsuccessfully)

So the reading was reasonably successful. I finished In the Castle of my Skin (good book) and read some articles and stuff though I’m still behind on assignments.

Battling fate, not so successful. Basically, I saw a dead cat. Seeing a dead cat is pretty much the least lucky thing in the world. It is like walking under a ladder made of mirrors and breaking it by opening your umbrella indoors. It is trouble. The cat was on Great North Rd outside the McDonalds, maybe it had just gone over there for a snack, maybe it was looking to pee on some stuff, either way its little trip ended in DEATH. I’m guessing it had been hit by a car as it was in the traditional cat-hit-by-a-car position (on the ground, dead), you might not know this, but cats which have been hit by cars will keep running for AGES afterwards so they can find somewhere sneaky to die. I don’t know what that’s all about, maybe cats have a big problem with organ farmers stealing their post-mortem organs, maybe not, I JUST DON’T KNOW. A kind of disturbing little addition to the scene was the fact that someone had to decided to put a little tea-towel on its kitty corpse as some kind of last favour. Personally I would have been more impressed if they’d given it a cigarette. Animals smoking! How hilarious!

Anyway, seeing this dead cat sent me into a spiral of misfortune which involved looking like a rentboy, talking to douches and spending a pointless hour walking back and forth across Central Auckland. Normally I would have been pretty unstressed by this but I was really after a super enjoyable weekend to off-set my upcoming two weeks of assignment related misery. Also, I had optimistic schemes based around that night which are now RUINED because I am too busy from now until FOREVER.

Now I’m going to sit around and be BITTER and maybe make some tea. AND DRINK IT.