Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I wish I had a lot of weed

So I haven't really accomplished anything since I finished my exam. I got really drunk on Saturday and acted a fool but since then i've pretty much just sat around the house. I did meeet Harriet's parents on Sunday which was kind of exciting. I was super shy and awkward for some reason which made things a little more entertaining. I drank heaps of their wine though and apprently they liked me so it was a pretty good result.

I got bored of blogging.

I wonder if I'll blog more in Wellington? I will be working so maybe I'll be a hardcore work blogger. I wrote my best ever blogs at work last year. The 'Lunch Log" series is my all-time favorite. 5 or so blogs about what I ate for lunch that day.

Today I ate leftover stirfry. Stirfry is way way better with noodles than with rice. Rice is a joke invented by chinese people to make westerners eat crap.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fucking milestone duud


I just finished university!

I never have to do an exam again (unless I end up doing post grad or another degree which I probably will).


I am already drinking. Whiskey bombs are very strong when you use stout.

I am going to get stoned later.

Everything's coming up Milhaus!