Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oh man...

I woke up and I was WASTED. Like, really really drunk. In bed. It was kind of awesome. I also woke up in the middle of the night and thought I was paralysed. I wasn't.

What has happened to me lately? I was going through this really awesome phase of going out and having like 2 drinks and being fine and now I'm drinking through a hose and funnel. It is not good. Now i've got that awesome feeling where I want to avoid everyone I talked to for a very long time.

That is probably good because I am broke and having job nightmares.

I have lost 3 packs of cigarettes in one week.


  1. Chris, you always leave so abruptly! Last night; Chris there, Chris gone. I saw you going too mister! I'll endeavour to visit sometime this week before you go.

  2. You realize that post was to do with a completely different night, right? Man actually have no idea what I was doing on Saturday. I think I went into autopilot as a sort of shadows survival mechanism. I ended up at the Viaduct! I was so confused! Sorry that I dissappeared.

    Try to make it on Wednesday, that is my most free day, we are having a games night that evening but you should come before for hardcore hangouts.

  3. Hahaha Viaduct that's hilarious. Hey you want to come ice-skating on Wednesday?

    YUes I do know it was a different night, I just needed to interrrrnet connect

  4. ice-skating sounds terrifying but i am always up for terror. is ok if i just keep falling down and end up being slid around the rink on my back by the attendants? if so i am so in.

  5. we are going tomorrow if you want to come does alice want to come?

  6. christopher c = male version of me.

    or not really
    your are cracking me up like a junkie. I will be back for more.
